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Retirement: Numbers and Trends

Retirement is often seen as a time to relax, reflect, and enjoy life. However, the reality of retirement is often more complex. In recent years, the landscape of retirement has changed significantly. Life expectancy has increased, the number of retirees has grown, and the cost of living has risen. This article explores some of the key changes that have taken place in retirement. We will look at how these changes have affected the average retirement age, income, expenses, and activities. We will also discuss some of the challenges that retirees face today. Retirement Age The average retirement age has been increasing in recent years. In 1990, the average retirement age was 57.  By 2023, it is expected to be 62. This increase ca be due to a number of factors, including the rising cost of living, the decline in pension plans, increase in longevity,  better health, etc Social Security eligibility starts at 62 years with minimum benefit and then goes up to maximum benefit at age 70.  As the